Six years after, Osun court sentences five kidnappers to death by hanging


By Ope Bello, Osogbo

An Osun State High Court sitting in Ede, on Tuesday, pronounced a sentence of death by hanging on five kidnappers who abducted and killed a Fulani man, Alhaji Ibrahim Adamu in April 2018.

The condemned are Ibrahim Issa, Lateef Bello, Abdul Ramon Soliu, Bello Ibrahim and Abudu Mumini Jolaanobi Saheed.

All of them were sentenced to death after the trial court convicted them on each of the four-count charge preferred against them.

Specifically, the court sentenced all the convicts to  14 years imprisonment for conspiracy to kidnap the deceased and another 14 years jail term for conspiracy to murder while they bagged death by hanging sentence for killing the deceased.

Until the deceased, Alhaji Adamu, was kidnapped and murdered, in 2018, he traded in cow at Owode-Ede, in Ede North Local Government in Osun State.

BAR & BENCH WATCH reports that a five-man gang kidnapped Alhaji Ibrahim Adamu on 17th day of April, 2018 around 7:45p.m in his residential building at Owode-Ede, in Ede North Local Government Area, Osun State.

That was after he was overpowered by the hooded quintet.

Information obtained from the proof of evidence indicated that during the struggle with his kidnappers, Adamu was able to unmask one of the kidnappers.

The mask removed from the face of the kidnapper was abandoned at the scene of the crime.

Not too long after the incident, the five-member gang got in touch with the family of the deceased and demanded for and collected N3million ransom.

But Adamu was eventually killed because he had identified one of his assailants.

The police stepped into the matter and was able to round up the convicts.

They were arraigned before the court on October 28, 2021 on a four-count charge of conspiracy and murder contrary to Section 319 and 324 of Criminal Code Laws of Osun State, and punishable under Section 364 of Criminal Code Laws of Osun State, 2002,

But they took turn to enter a plea of not guilty to the charge, a development that made the trial judge to order their remand and fix a trial date.

During trial, prosecuting counsel from the Ministry of Justice, Barrister Faremi Moses called three witnesses to prove the charge against the convicts including the Investigating Police Officer, Mr. Ganiyu Taofeek.

He also tendered several exhibits including extra judicial statements and one of the masks used by the kidnappers but which fell during the struggle between them and the victim in front of his house on the day he was kidnapped to prove the case.

The police Investigating Officer, Mr. Ganiyu Taofeek also told the court that immediately after the five-man gang kidnapped the victim and took him to the their custody, the victim, Alhaji Ibrahim Adamu saw and identified his assailant, hence, the conspiracy to kill him.

He said investigations revealed that one of the gang members, Abdu Mumini working with others at large directed members of the gang—three (3) Togolese (at large) to slaughter Alhaji Ibrahim Adamu, in order to cover-up the crime.

He told the court that after butchering Adamu, Abdul Mumini went away with the deceased head and heart, while Abdulrahamon Soliu took arms while they dumped the remnants in Osun river.

The star prosecution witness added that Abdu Mumini, in his confessional statement narrated in full detail why they killed Alhaji Adamu and how they shared the ransom.

The confessional statement was tendered and admitted in evidence alongside other documents before the prosecution closed its case.

In their defence, the accused persons did not call any witness.

They however gave evidence for themselves.

Thereafter, counsel to the convicts, Barrister Bola Ige, while reviewing their case  told the court that the charge preferred against his clients were not proved beyond reasonable doubt by the prosecuting counsel.

Another Counsel to the convict, Barrister Folashade Ipede of legal Aid Council however pleaded with the Judge to temper Justice with mercy.

After reviewing the case, the trial judge, Justice Kudirat Akano found them guilty of the four count charge preferred against them and sentenced them accordingly.

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